It's hard to believe another year is coming to an end (although I don't think many will miss this one TBH). And as we all look forward to a fresh start, it's time for those New Year's resolutions - an opportunity to develop new habits (or kick some old ones.) It got me thinking about some beauty resolutions to improve the health or look of our hair + skin and so I talked to my girls at SPELL to see what their goals were for 2021.
Personally, my 2021 resolution is to use lash serum everyday. For me, nothing says glam like long full lashes. I was getting lash extensions for a little while in the past, and honestly they were amazing! I felt pretty everyday, even without makeup on...but they are a lot of maintenance. Biweekly visits for fills were just becoming too taxing on my schedule. Then one day I noticed my sister's long thick lashes and I was like "OMG you got lashes and didn't tell me?!" "Nope," she said, "I just have been using lash serum!" I seriously couldn't believe how awesome they looked and so I decided to try for myself. I'll be honest - I'm not the best at skin routines and consistency, but I do LOVE trying and finding new products to offer at SPELL, so I'm committed to doing my lash serum every night to see the results + maybe lash serum will be the next product we offer in the SPELL boutique!
For Danielle, her resolution is as simple as some beauty sleep... on a satin pillowcase! Mostly everyone notices her gorgeous long blonde hair, but not everyone knows she actually has our Laced Hand-Tied extensions! "Satin pillowcases are one of the simplest and best ways to care for hair extensions, as they eliminate the friction between the hair and the pillow leaving less damage, and allow my investment in my hair to last longer," Danielle said. They're not just for extensions though, they help reduce frizz and static on all hair types to minimize that dreaded bedhead. They're great for your skin too! They help reduce irritation on pores for acne prone skin and keep sleep lines and wrinkles from developing. And unlike cotton pillowcases that absorb all of the moisture in your hair and skin, a satin pillowcase maintains hydration. Check out the cute Kitsch brand ones we offer at SPELL and this is about the easiest thing you can do to enhance your hair and skin routine!
Kelly's resolution is to up her skin care game even further than some beauty sleep. She plans to regularly visit a medi-spa and find a regimen and routine that will help her prevent signs of aging and minimize wrinkles. "My skin is showing the stress and exhaustion 2020 has brought on," Kelly said, "it's time to fight back! Ha!" One simple thing she plans to start right away without waiting for her medi-spa appointment? Drink more water! It's one of the easiest yet most effective ways to care for your skin.
Speaking of easy, for low maintenance girls like Nichole, simple changes like brushing her hair everyday will help keep larger tangles from developing and reduce breakage. I know I'm personally guilty of tossing my unruly hair into a topknot on the weekends, but Nichole says "it's more than just getting rid of tangles, it's stimulating your scalp, removing shed hair and moving oils away from the scalp and down the strand." She aims for 5 minutes a day at bed time and says that if you do it consistently from freshly washed hair you'll extend the life of your blowout.
Your hair isn't the only thing that needs brushing. Devin's resolution is to be consistent with dry brushing and micro-needling her skin. Dry brushing your skin has so many benefits like substantial exfoliation and reduced pore size, while helping your body remove toxins and giving you overall increased energy! Micro-needling is done on your face with a dermaroller to make tiny little channels in your skin for serums and products to absorb better and more deeply into the skin. While these two processes are quite literally skin deep, Devin said this level of self care helps her to "be happy with what I have while working for what I want." Now, I think that's a resolution we can all adopt.